
"What then is the Soviet church? Archimandrite Constantine has often and insistently stated that the most horrible thing that the God-hating regime has done in Russia is the creation of the Soviet Church, which the Bolsheviks presented to the people as the true Church, having driven the genuine Orthodox Church into the catacombs or into the concentration camps."

"We should not expect the Church to cater to our personal and partisan interests, to our passions and whims, but rather, we ourselves should surrender to complete obedience to the Church, knowing that without such total and complete obedience to the Church, perdition inevitably awaits us."

"Recently, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia recognized the Genuine Orthodox Christians in Greece and offered them assistance. For many years, the Old Calendarists suffered persecutions from the state and the “official (New Calendar)“ church, sometimes extremely harsh, and to this day, they are despised by the official global Orthodoxy which does not recognize them at all."

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